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Family photo

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Meet Bridget Naomi Nance!

Well this is long over due, but I'm here and I'm ready to tell you all about our new little addition to our family! Bridget Naomi Nance was born on Saturday, September 10th, 2011 at 1:56 p.m. Her birth was not an easy one, after being in labor for 5 days I was induced without an epidural...and let me tell you, artificial contractions are worse than natural ones. I can't even explain the pain. Bridget weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 5 oz (big girl!!) . We stayed in the hospital until the afternoon of Monday the 12th. Our hospital stay was not fun...Bridget had very high bilirubin levels and had to sit under an incubator for most of our stay. I sat in the nursery listening to 5 sets of twins cry. Bridget is a very content baby girl. She only cries when she's hungry or has a wet diaper (oh and she hates those wet diapers!). Here are some pictures of her during our stay at the hospital:

Tommy is one proud Daddy! I love how Bridget is looking up at him. Can you tell he is already sleep deprived? (I decided we should stay up all night the night before my induction..hahaha horrible decision!)

Here is Bridget after they cleaned her off and she had a good feeding :) She is so cute. Has a full head of hair!

This is her Auntie Michaela holding her for the first time. She was so happy to finally meet her!
This is Michaela's boyfriend, Cole, holding baby Bridget. 
Grandpa Curt (my Dad) or "Mac", his new chosen nickname (lol!), holding baby Bridget. 
This is Bridget after her first bath. The bow didn't stay in long, and if I knew they used KY Jelly to get it to stay in, I would have refused it! Her hair was super sticky when it fell off :(
She was so calm compared to all the other babies in the nursery. There were so many sets of twins, it was ridiculous!
Bridget loves getting her hair washed. The nurse washed her hair for the first time!
I love this picture of Bridget and her Aunties, Jena and Chloe, and my Mom! 
This is Bridget and her Grandma Tonya (my Mom) holding her right after she was born. So precious.

Bridget has been such a blessing to our family. She is such a sweet baby full of lots of personality! I love her sweet smile, her sweet newborn baby smell (except when she throws up all over me *sigh*), her cute little coos, how excited she gets when she sees you, the stretching she does is super cute...Tommy says he loves it when she "knocks one out". You can definitely tell that Bridget loves her family. She loves being held, talked to, played with...She is perfectly content. This may not have been the best time in our lives to start a family, but when is the right time? We love everything we have been blessed with. Bridget is just more motivation on top of an already amazing life. 

A few days after Bridget was born, her other Grandparents came to visit (Tommy's parents). We always enjoy their visits here in Boise, since it does not happen often! Distance doesn't stand between Bridget's relationship with her Grandma Theresa and Grandpa T.J! We love to share photos and memories with them and they make sure to send lots of cute cards to her often. Here are some photos from their visit in Boise:

This is a picture of Grandpa T.J telling little Bridget all about "BBQ" and how much she'll love it!
Theresa was comparing a baby picture of Tommy with Bridget, they look so much alike! She is a Daddy's girl , for sure! 

Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of pictures from their visit. Which is completely odd!! I guess we were so wrapped up in enjoying our new little bundle that not a lot of pictures were taken. There will be many more to come. 

Bridget will be 2 months old on November 10th. She is getting so big! A few weeks ago she was weighing in at 9 lbs 1 oz...I am sure she is close to 10 lbs by now! There rest of this post will be me sharing pictures of Bridget I have taken over the last two months. I hope you enjoy them :) 

One of Bridget's first nights home. She loves sleeping on Mommy.

She is such a dork! She wiggled herself off her lounger in her sleep. 

Look at that sweet face saying "Good Morning Mommy!"

Tommy and his sweet baby girl.

What a great Daddy he is!

He is so proud!

Daddy and Bridget

Bridget sleeping with Mommy, she loves to cuddle.

Aww so sweet, sleeping in her bassinet that Grandpa Curt bought her!

My two favorite people relaxing on the couch. 

Baby Bridget on her bili-blanket during the first days of life. She hated that thing.

Bridget and Grandpa Curt. Aw how sweet :)

Auntie Jena and Bridget

Bridget with her serious face!

Bridget's first bath tub bath!

She loved her bath, and her hooded towel that Auntie Michaela got her!

She is very alert and happy :)

"Mom, are we going on an adventure?!" ...I put her in her carrier to finish laundry. She loved it!

Daddy and Baby snoring away, why am I the only one up? Haha!
Daddy loves his princess. 

Sleeping on Mommy again, what's new? It's her favorite activity in her whole 6 weeks of life!

Bridget and Daddy listening to music!

Bridget and Daddy taking a nap. Lucky!

Look how small she is compared to the blanket! Too cute. 

Daddy bundled Bridget up to stay nice and warm.

Yes, she sleeps funny..I get it :)

Bridget and her Auntie Jena

Chloe just loves Bridget! :)

All sorts of smiles for Mommy!
She's always out after a car ride!

Just chilling with Mommy :) I love her big beautiful eyes!

Daddy and Bridget napping on the couch. 

The butterfly freaked her out. But then she got mad when I moved it, not sure if she likes it or not? Lol

"Mom, I hate tummy time!" -She is actually rolling from her belly to her back by herself it's pretty easy to get out of!

She is so playful!

Oopps..Mom accidentally spiked my hair!

She loves sitting up like that...Mommy's legs are too short!

She can hold her head up pretty well :)

Tummy time from the other point of view.

I give in too often..

Such a sweet picture of my sweet baby. 

She is as comfy as can be!

Sleeping away on Mommy.

I swear, she is awake a lot more than it seems. She is just so cute when she sleeps. :) I have way more pictures but they are not on my computer. I will post more later! We have many events to come in the next couple months. Lots of new milestones for little Bridget! Her second wedding (I count her first as her Mommy and Daddy's since she was in my belly), her first Thanksgiving, her first Christmas, and her first New Years! This will be a great season of firsts for little B! We are so excited for what is to come. She is changing so fast. Already teething! We're hoping she won't start crawling for a few more months. That's all for now :) Hope you enjoyed!

~Brittany Nance