Family photo

Family photo

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Old Adventures, New Post!

I thought that since I don't have much to update on at the moment, I would make a cute little post of some of the events that have taken place throughout the last year. I don't want these photos to go to waste and I'm sure you'll love hearing about some of the adventures we've been on!

Tommy and I have family all over the United States, but although my parents live here in Boise, his parents don't live so close. They recently moved from California to Florida, and back to California. During Christmas break we had the opportunity to visit them in Florida right before they moved back to California. I had never been on an airplane before and it was quite the experience! I met Tommy's parents for the first time and we had a blast. Tommy loves seeing his family. He has had the opportunity to see them a lot more than expected throughout the last year, and he wouldn't give those moments up for anything. Like Tommy's mom says, we're kind of in our own "isolated" city. Boise is so out of the way! It is nearly impossible to get a direct flight here. But we make do with what we have and try to stay in contact as much as possible, which hasn't shown to be a problem with all of this great technology that allows us to stay connected! Most of our family follows us on facebook, there is this awesome program called "Skype" that allows you to video chat with people all over the world, and of course the classic texting or talking on the phone is great too! Like I mentioned before, I created this blog so everyone could keep up with what we're doing. Anyway, here are some photos from our trip to Florida:

This is Tommy relaxing and watching tv. 

I believe this was called the "Skyway", a huge bridge across the gulf that allowed cargo ships to go under it. Kind of scary!

SEACOWS! These were the Manatees that we stopped and looked at. They enjoy warm water.

 This is Disney World! Tommy's parents took us there to celebrate my 18th birthday!
This is a dark picture, but this is Tommy and I on the ferry going home from Disney World.

Here is my favorite picture. The castle at night, it changed colors but the purple is so pretty!

And if it isn't Tommy's favorite Disney characters, Woody and Jesse! 

If you can't tell, we had a great time in Florida despite the fact that I didn't take many photos! I'm actually very surprised on the little number of photos that I have of that trip. I wonder where they went? Well..upon getting back from our Florida trip, I found out that I was pregnant. We felt like our lives had been turned upside down. Our main focus was to pass our classes that semester and work hard in order to prepare for a new family member! Our lives have changed completely.

In May we visited Tommy and his parents in California. We drove this trip, which was a very long drive and was split up into a two day trip. We stopped in Sacramento on the way there to see Ali, Tommy's sister, and to break up our trip a bit. She took us out to dinner and showed us around Sacramento a bit. We had a great time and I was so excited to finally meet her! On our way to Sacramento, we had to drive through Tahoe. Ever seen snow in the summer? Well, Tahoe had it! And Tommy's mustang was not happy, this set our trip back a couple of hours. *Sigh*

Although we got through it, this part of the trip wasn't easy! The rest of the trip was pretty simple. Just a lot of driving. In Southern California we celebrated Tommy's 21st birthday, he showed me where he grew up and his favorite places to hang out! I really enjoyed seeing everything finally and being able to paint a more realistic picture in my head of what he was talking about. I had never been to Southern California, and I enjoyed the beautiful, sunny beaches the most! Here are some photos of that:
This is Tommy and I sitting at a park near the beach in Laguna. 

This is Laguna beach, it was quite empty that day!

Here is Tommy making his 21st birthday wish! His parents took us out to dinner at Miguel's (a mexican food place) it was very yummy! Tommy preferred coke over beer...who would have known? Hehe.

Tommy's sister, Lindsey, made these delicious cupcakes for Tommy! They were so pretty and yummy, I couldn't help but take a picture (or two..). She is very talented!

This is Huntington Beach. I promised Tommy when we're rich, we'll buy a house here! I absolutely loved this area soo much! 

And here is me, sitting on the beach in Huntington. Can you tell I am having an amazing time? It was a blast. 

That's not all we did while in California. Tommy's parents also took us to an Angel's game! I had never been to a professional sporting event before, and WOW the stadium was huge! I mean, Boise State games are awesome but I couldn't get over the number of people who came to watch the Angel's play that night! I must have seemed like a total dork. I have to admit, I people watched more than I watched the game, but it was just so cool to me! We ate some popcorn, hot dogs, and even got to watch a firework show after the game. How fun! 

Since we didn't have time (and I wasn't willing to walk around Disneyland, pregnant) to go to Disneyland, we decided to spend the day at ESPN Zone and walk around Downtown Disney. It was a lot of fun! Tommy and his dad even built their own RC cars. 

Well that's all the updates and photos I have from a few of our adventures! Stay tuned for more, hopefully we'll have some new photos and tid bits to share.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

First Official Blog Post!

I promised many family members that I would send pictures and keep them updated on our lives. What better way to do that than using a blog? It's an all-in-one place for pictures and little tid bits about what we've been up to! I hope you enjoy being able to keep up with our crazy lives, because we are definitely going to enjoy sharing with all of you.

I'm just going to jump right in with all the juicy information about our lives! As many of you know, Tommy and I are expecting our first child sometime in September. Hopefully she keeps baking until then. And yes, I said "she"...It's a girl! Here are some various pictures that I have taken throughout my pregnancy. I hope you will enjoy them!

21 weeks

28 weeks

32 weeks
The crib Tommy and I put together!

Proof it's a girl ;)

Baby girl, 24 weeks ultrasound

Some updates on us: Tommy and I decided to tie the knot a couple weeks ago. We are very happy with our decision, for it was not an easy one. We are also very grateful for all the love and support we have received over the last few months! We are definitely not living our lives by the "book" but we are making the best with what God has given us. Like I said, life has definitely thrown us some lemons! Here are some wonderful photos of the ceremony.

We were happy to have an awesome Judge meet us for an outside ceremony infront of the Capitol in downtown Boise. We were also very glad to have our close family there to witness this special event. Tommy's parents were able to fly up and join us. I was also happy to have many of my close relatives join as well. Everyone helped make this day very special for us.

The next 7 weeks are going to be tough, but Tommy and I are trying to be prepared as possible for our baby girl's arrival. It hasn't been an easy road at all, but it will be totally worth it once we have our precious little one in our arms. I am trying to finish my last couple weeks of summer classes at Boise State. Tommy recently was approved for in-state residency, and will be continuing as a full time student in the Fall. I will be full time, online as well. We were so lucky to be able to get all of our classes online! We hope that we will be able to handle baby stress and school, but that is a whole other battle that hasn't even started yet. We will be finishing up the last touches on the nursery these next couple of weeks. My mom is so kind to throw me a baby shower for little Bridget. This will be held on August 13th. I'm so excited (mostly for the yummy cupcakes my Aunt is making! mmm.) to celebrate my little one's arrival with close family and friends. Stay tuned for more updates on us! :)